Share Audiences


Audience Sharing is an upcoming feature and isn’t available to everyone

Audience Sharing enables you to share an Audience you’ve created with another NextRoll customer. Once shared, you can attach the shared audience to Web Retargeting campaigns.

For another Advertisable to use a shared segment, there are a few steps:

  1. Create a share invitation

  2. Fetch share invitations

  3. Accept a share invitation

  4. Attach a shared audience to a campaign

If you have seconds thoughts about sharing segments, you can revoke the shared audience.

Currently, only the following segment types can be shared:

  • URL (url)

  • External data (arbitrary_data)

  • Pages viewed (pages_viewed)

Create a share invitation

The first step in sharing an audience is to send a share invitation. This is done by making a request to POST /audience/v1/sharing/invitation. You’ll need to specify the segment EID you want to share and the Advertisable EID that you want to send the invitation. This request needs to be done using the credentials of the Advertisable that owns the segment.

curl -H 'Authorization: Token YOUR_TOKEN' \
--request POST \
    "eid": "1DE62679ADA5EEA4EEE6B2",
    "source_segment_eid": "01C8D357DCE0384FB23B7F",
    "created_at": "2021-01-19T15:36:28.052968+00:00",
    "is_active": true,
    "source_user_eid": "A2B5747D084B7072BEFDF9",
    "updated_at": "2021-01-19T15:36:28.051623+00:00",
    "accepted": false,
    "segment_source": "adroll",
    "target_advertisable_eid": "6E1140DFF2B8FA0AC6EEAF",
    "source_advertisable_eid": "EA1704974734327A383B01"

Fetch share invitations

You can view the list of outstanding share invitations you’ve been sent by calling GET /audience/v1/sharing/invitation and specifying the Advertisable EID that received the request.

curl -H 'Authorization: Token YOUR_TOKEN' \
        "eid": "1DE62679ADA5EEA4EEE6B2",
        "source_segment_eid": "01C8D357DCE0384FB23B7F",
        "created_at": "2021-01-19T15:36:28.052968+00:00",
        "is_active": true,
        "source_user_eid": "A2B5747D084B7072BEFDF9",
        "updated_at": "2021-01-19T15:36:28.051623+00:00",
        "accepted": false,
        "segment_source": "adroll",
        "target_advertisable_eid": "6E1140DFF2B8FA0AC6EEAF",
        "source_advertisable_eid": "EA1704974734327A383B01"

Accept a share invitation

After you’ve created a sharing invitation, the receiving Advertisable needs to accept the invitation. This is done using the POST /audience/v1/sharing/segment endpoint. This request needs to be done using the credentials of the receiving Advertisable.

Once accepted, a new segment of type mirror can be found in the receiving Advertisable when retrieving a list of segments owned by that Advertisable. You’ll also see the new segment when browsing the dashboard.

curl -H 'Authorization: Token YOUR_TOKEN' \
--request POST \
   "abm_tags": null,
   "advertiser_id": "D5A1ED3325E61E27C9FF07",
   "conversion_value": null,
   "created_date": 1610998568758,
   "currency_code": null,
   "duration": 90,
   "is_active": true,
   "is_conversion": false,
   "is_lead": false,
   "lead_type": null,
   "name": "Visitors to Unsegmented Pages",
   "product": null,
   "segment_id": "F71A58D5EAD767722199DA",
   "source": "slargma",
   "source_segment": {
       "advertiser_id": "03865DAF43940F1D726995",
       "conversion_value": null,
       "created_date": 1414594022000,
       "duration": 90,
       "int_id": 601911,
       "is_active": true,
       "is_conversion": false,
       "name": "Visitors to Unsegmented Pages",
       "parent_segment_eid": "7B4B0BA630B4B903E9AF09",
       "pattern": "",
       "product": null,
       "segment_id": "585F5A39D83FC5353F16FC",
       "source": "adroll",
       "tags": "p",
       "type": "url",
       "url_match_id": "all_prodo"
   "source_segment_eid": "585F5A39D83FC5353F16FC",
   "tags": "s",
   "type": "mirror"

Attach a shared audience to a campaign

Once you’ve accepted the share invitation, the segment is available when retrieving the list of segments for the Advertisable.

You can attach it to Web Retargeting campaigns just like any other segment.

Revoke a shared audience

If you no longer wish to share a segment, you can call the DELETE /audience/v1/sharing/invitation endpoint. Once revoked, you’ll see that the is_active field is now false.

curl -H 'Authorization: Token YOUR_TOKEN' \
--request DELETE \
   "eid": "8DE426B5BB2EDFB9210895",
   "created_at": "2021-01-19T15:36:28.052968+00:00",
   "accepted": true,
   "is_active": false,
   "updated_at": "2021-01-19T17:49:53.447559+00:00",
   "source_segment_eid": "048234E69DE8DA46FB9E61",
   "segment_source": "adroll",
   "target_advertisable_eid": "E5BA939587DA06A7FD846D",
   "source_user_eid": "J7UHJLT7MVFIFK2STSXHVT",
   "source_advertisable_eid": "DEB21215BEEC304325CB50"